It’s Time
Hello everyone, We are already in the throes of darkness. It’s time to go within to discover, that you truly are a good person; this can lead to self-love and inner truth. In so doing, you will be able to mitigate the darkness. It is …
Provide Intuitive readings and workshops.
Hello everyone, We are already in the throes of darkness. It’s time to go within to discover, that you truly are a good person; this can lead to self-love and inner truth. In so doing, you will be able to mitigate the darkness. It is …
For most persons, spiritual sadhana consists in the external observance of rituals and ceremonies prescribed by their own religion. In the initial stages such observance has its own value as a factor contributing toward self-purification and mental discipline. But ultimately, the aspirant has to transcend …
The root of all suffering individual or social is self-interest. Eliminate self-interest and you will solve all problems and difficulties. Cults, creeds, dogmas, religious rites, and ceremonies, or lectures and sermons can never bring radical relief from suffering. If suffering and chaos are to disappear …
Instead of engendering the seeds of peace and plenty, the under-driven religion tries to shoot out communalism, fanaticism, nationalism and patriotism, which have become bywords for leadership and greatness, suffering, and sanctity. In short, religion, as a living force, has become obsolete! The …
Whether you think about it or not, everyone wants to be free from the bondage of negative beliefs. To be free, one must let go of not being enough to I am worthy of love. Love resides in the heart not in the mind; the …